
Ziv Medical Center, the northern most hospital at Israel, was established in Safed at 1910 by the Baron Rothschild. Ziv has been providing medical services for the Galilee and Golan Height residents, our soldiers that quarding the borders with Syria and Lebanon and UN soldiers serving in the region as well as local and foreign tourists.

Ziv had also extended his humanitarian hands to the Lebanese people till the year of 2000 and provided lifesaving humanitarian treatment to casualties of the civil war raging in Syria till 2018. 

During the years and especially since 2011, when the Bar-Ilan University Azrieli Faculty of Medicine was e inaugurated at Safed, Ziv has been expanding its infrastructure offering, providing new advanced medical care along with current excellence services such like the psychiatric wards. New oncology center, and state-of-the-art children hospital are just examples of this period of flourishing  and extending towards accomplishing our vision for full and excellent medical services to the multicultural wonderful mosaic of people living at the north of Israel. Hyperbaric chamber for diabetes patients and shielding the hospital from any attack by our Iran sponsored neighbor's, Hezbollah, are just two of our current plans.
Join us on our journey to be our brothers, sisters, soldiers, and sometimes also neighbor's keepers.

We welcome you to be a Partner of ZIV.

Prof. Salman Zarka
ZIV Medical Center COE